What is Wing Chun?
Wing Chun Gung Fu is a close range, practical martial art system.
The foundations were developed from to the various styles of Gung Fu originating from the Shaolin Temple in Henan Province, China.
It centres on principles which offer a realistic method of self protection, which can be learnt relatively quickly as an external fighting system and when taught holistically, offer the practitioner the benefits that all genuine Gung Fu practice embodies.
Historical stories that it was devised by an Abbess or Nun named Ng Mui 300 years ago, are without definitive proof. That said, Wing Chun Gung Fu has been developed and refined through practical application and progression by significant practitioners over time.
Wing Chun does not rely on age, gender or strength. It is centred on the natural use of the body without extremes of conditioning or contortion employed by other arts. Movements are not prescriptive or sequential but intuitive and intelligent in action. It is designed to be suited to all and employed in all scenarios.
It is worthy of note that Wing Chun is a system not a style. Many other schools of this and other Martial Arts, concern themselves purely with external movements and dogmatic techniques, leading to inflexibility and failure in application.
For a true understanding of Wing Chun and its principles, it must be understood that all Gung Fu originates from Greater China and through its development, it has become intrinsically influenced by the philosophy, culture and beliefs stemming from there.
Bruce Lee’s, “be like water, my friend” is a classic example of how Wing Chun should be thought of. It simply means to be flexible in both mind and body. It’s about not being rigid and stubborn about your beliefs, practices or understanding and instead, about being open-minded and able to change and adapt to the circumstances one is put in.
By addressing the external through the internal, we come to appreciate the true values of Gung Fu and in particular the art of Wing Chun. Simplicity, directness, calm, effortless strength and a balance that promotes our health and wellness.
Core to this is a 'state of mind' which is essential to holistic Wing Chun, 'Nim Lik'or 'Mind Intent'; helping to develop a mindset that is fundamental to application and fulfilment in the art which can translate into a philosophy for life.
The system contains three empty hand forms, two weapons forms, a wooden dummy form and particular to Wing Chun, an activity called Chi Sau or 'sticky hands".
Wing Chun Gung Fu can address many needs and at Cymru Wing Chun Kuen the intention is to promote and support each student along their journey whatever it may be.